Category: Life Coach Question

How to Motivate Yourself– Five Tips for Helping You Achieve Your Goals

One of the big challenges we all have is how to motivate ourselves to do the things we KNOW we need to do, the things we know will give us more energy if we just did them. How do you stoke the fire, light a flame under your ass, make yourself invest the energy to get something going and follow through?

Here are five ways to get a handle on this:

1. Motivation Starts With Intention

Motivation starts with intention. It’s hard to motivate yourself if you don’t know what you want, and even harder if you don’t remember what …

Dealing with Misfortune; How to Survive and Thrive

Most of the time when people come in for coaching or for a tarot reading they’re looking for help. Things aren’t going the way that they want them to, or maybe they are, but whatever transition or transformation that they’re going through is causing them suffering and sleepless nights. Sometimes even low-level dissatisfaction, if it’s constant, can really eat away at us.

How do you deal when something bad happens or if you’re caught in some form of misery that you can’t seem to shake? Here’s some suggestions:

There’s a difference between pain and suffering.

Pain is a natural response …

How to Find Your Own Voice

One of life’s big challenges is going within and managing to find your own voice, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. When we’ve spent so much time trying to live up to our own and other people’s expectations it’s often hard to figure out at heart, what we really want and think. Here’s some advice for separating out other people’s voices you’ve internalized from your own.

Reread your journal

It’s easy to write journal entry after journal entry and then never look at them again. But your journal is a treasure trove of the real you. Sometimes we may …

Five Ways to Set and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

One of the most common issues people have is setting boundaries. They’re so used to not doing it, in fact, that they don’t even realize its a huge issue for them! Many people, especially empaths, worry about how to keep other people’s energy from getting to them. Others just want to know how to keep other people from treating them like crap. Some people, who consider themselves empaths, assume there’s no such thing as boundaries for them.

In order to set proper boundaries, we need to know what they are. Then, we need to know when we need one–and after that, …

How to Use Tarot and Oracle Cards to Coach Yourself

It’s always good to get a visual element into personal development, and using Tarot or Oracle cards is a good way to do that.

There’s a difference between the two of them, and I’ll be discussing that in another article. Right now I want to give you a few specific ways to use them in your own personal development process. You can use any deck that has images that speak to you and give your intuition room to move around in. While card meanings are useful, you don’t want to be confined by them, so sometimes cards without keywords printed …

Five simple ways to help hold yourself accountable

You may be great at setting intentions and have all sorts of goals for yourself. But that still leaves you with the question of how to hold yourself accountable for achieving them. It’s easy to get too busy and let your goals slide and then feel bad about yourself. But how do you drop the guilt and just get stuff done? I hear this a lot. The type of people who hire life coaches tend to be a bit hard on themselves and tend to have a lot of goals. Yes, you could lower your expectations, but I know that’s …

What’s a Life Coach?

It used to be that “What the heck is a life coach,” was one of the most common questions I got other than “Why don’t we have any good snacks,” and “Where are my socks?” (These questions are from my kids – if you ask me these things I will NOT have a good answer to give you, though I could make something up that will amuse us both). But these days the phrase “life coach” is so five years ago that everyone’s kind of forgotten why they should bother with us in the first place.

Different life coaches will, …