All workshops take place at my studio in Western Avenue Studios in Lowell, MA.
SEASONAL CIRCLE (SPRING): We will begin with a small meditation to welcome in the season and then we will do a small creative project where we make a triptych of cards to serve as a spring altar or tableau. This workshop will be scheduled whenever we get out of quarantine, though I am working on creating an on-line version of this.
NEW MOON CIRCLE: The new moon is a time of beginnings, introspection, and setting intentions. We will begin with a small new moon meditation and then we will spend time making a few collaged cards that represent the energy of this time in our life using circular backgrounds. This circle happens once a month, and will be scheduled once quarantine is over.
FULL MOON CIRCLE: The full moon is a time of harvest, gratitude, and fullness. We will begin with a small full moon meditation and then we will spend time making a few collaged cards that represent the energy of this time in our life using circular backgrounds. This circle happens once a month, and will be scheduled once quarantine is over.
INTRO TO SOULCOLLAGE®. We will make many small mat board collages that help you give voice to the different parts of your personality, and the stories you tell yourself. We’ll also talk about how to use these cards to think about your life and provide you guidance and self-knowledge. Think of it like a personal, hand-made tarot deck, reflecting the energies, archetypes, and people at work in your life.
OPEN STUDIO MONTHLY CRAFT DAY: Come take a tour of Western Avenue Studios and explore the process of SoulCollage® or JourneyCircles™. Open studio dates are usually the first Saturday of the month. May’s has been canceled. Please contact me in advance to see if I’ll be there before you come!