Let Me Be Your Guide

You’ve probably found me if you were looking for a life coach, or a tarot reader maybe, but…both? Let me explain. When I used to do life coaching over the phone, I found people tended to stay stuck in their stories for way too long. It’s easy to stay stuck in your head if all you’re doing is talking. It also seemed to me that moving forward in one’s life could be more, well FUN. It’s my belief that deep inside you, you KNOW who you are and what’s right for you, but maybe you need help unburying yourself from years of trying to be something else for other people. Or maybe you just don’t have the energy to figure it all out.
There’s no point in talking, talking, talking unless we address the energetic needs that aren’t being met, and regardless, we can make the whole process quicker and more fun by adding a visual element and a sense of play to the whole process. Let’s go on a safari to find YOU, and let’s make the best of it!So why do I use tarot and oracle cards? I firmly believe that we know, inside, the solutions to all the problems we’re facing–we just need help accessing this internal wisdom. Tarot cards contain the archetypes and elements of the full human condition, and are a great representative way for us to work with internal factors that may not normally see. They’re also a great way to inspire you, help you focus on your goals and hold yourself accountable. We could talk for an hour about something, but the right card will call you on your shit in three seconds flat. And then we’ll have a good laugh.
But seriously — it’s hard to connect to your own intuition if we’re just talking–you’re thinking about what to say, thinking about what you just said, wondering what I’m thinking; there’s too much THINKING going on. If we’ve got cards in front of us and we’re having a conversation about what you see and what it means, it’s a lot easier for you to relax and access your heart and your soul.
I’m for you if:
- You’re a really visual or tactile person.
- You want to have fun while you work on your issues.
- You have a project you wish you could work on but you feel stuck?
- You’re really stuck, or you’re just plain tired of talking about an issue.
- You’re shy and want coaching that makes it easier to talk about yourself.
I can help you become the powerful, creative person you wish you could be. I can help you:
- Create space for yourself and make contact with your inner voice.
- Challenge your limiting beliefs about who you are and what you can do.
- Push through your creative blocks.
- Learn how to work with your own stories to let your own voice reveal itself.
Payment is by individual sessions or in a discounted package of four, bookable below. I also offer a special “combo package,” which consists of an email tarot reading followed by a one-hour Skype session. This is a great option if you want to try things out, have a particular issue you want to get insight into, or if you prefer to have something to chew over before talking about it in a live session.
Payment is $90 for individual sessions or discounted as $300 for a package of 4. Check out the “packages” tab in order to get that rate. I look forward to working with you!
Please feel free to email me at yourwildlifecoaching@sjlandsman.com with any questions.